Adoption Application

Give Me Shelter Cat Rescue is committed to placing homeless cats and kittens in homes compatible with your and the animal's needs. Please answer all questions to assist us in our match. Your application will be reviewed by our Adoption Committee.

Have you read about how to adopt a kitten or cat from Give Me Shelter Cat Rescue?

Once we receive your application our response time may be up to a week. Please be patient.

Potential Adoptee

Lila photo
Name: Lila Description: Female, 10 months old (DOB 4/25/2024), Domestic Short Hair, Tabby Lynx Point (Remove)

About You

First: Last:
Home phone:
Work phone:
Cell phone:
How long have you lived at this address?
What type is your residence? House Apartment Condominium Other
Do you Rent Own
Does your rental agreement allow pets? Yes No
Landlord's name:  Landlord's phone: 
How heavy is traffic on this street? Light Medium Heavy
Do your windows have screens? Yes No
How many adults at this residence? How many children? Ages of children?
Does anyone in the home have allergies to cats? Yes No

Please tell us as much has you can about yourself, your cat experience and the type of cat you are looking for. More information is better:

About the Cat

Who will provide veterinary care for Lila? Phone:
Who will be primary caretaker for Lila?
Who will take care of Lila when you are away from home?
How often does the primary caretaker travel?
How many hours a day will Lila be alone?
Where will Lila be when alone?
Where will Lila be when you are at home during the day?
Where will Lila be when you are home at night?
Lila will be Indoor only Outdoor only Indoor/Outdoor
Do you anticipate declawing Lila? Yes No

About Your Other Pets

What pets do you currently have? Please include their ages and how long you have had them.
What pets have you had previously? Please include their ages and how long you had them.
What happened to them?
Have you ever had a declawed cat? Yes No
Have you ever surrendered one of your pets to a shelter? Yes No
  Please explain:
Have you ever lost a pet or had one die of accident or injury? Yes No
What do you consider an acceptable reason to surrender/re-home your cat?


How soon are you hoping to bring home your new family member?


Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?


How did you find out about Give Me Shelter Cat Rescue?
Have you attended a Give Me Shelter Cat Rescue Adoption Fair? Yes No
Had you already decided to adopt a kitten/cat before attending the adoption fair? Yes No


I certify that the above information is true and understand that misrepresentations may result in the cancellation of the adoption.


All donations are tax-deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN 20-1685522), and receipts are available upon request.


No adoption event is currently scheduled. Please check back soon!

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